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How to clean a Wool Baluchi Rug Efficiently?

How to clean a Wool Baluchi Rug Efficiently?

How to clean a Wool Baluchi Rug Efficiently?

If the wool rugs adequately cleaned and get right maintenance, they can last a long time. Tribal handmade Baluchi rugs are made of high-quality wool, and these are durable and easy to clean. These carpets are excellent quality rugs and give a stylish and pleasant look to the living space. The ways of cleaning a wool rug are sweeping, vacuuming, rotating and beating.

When you need to clean a wool rug, follow these steps and give a new look to your carpet.

  1. Vacuum the Rug:

Vacuuming is helpful to get rid of dust and dirt particles thoroughly from the Baluchi carpet. It's recommended to do vacuuming once or twice in a week to keep your rug clean and tidy.

  1. Use the Broom:

Sweeping carpet with the broom is an excellent way to clean a rug while keeping the sheen of the wool material. Use a brush to sweep the rug at least once a week; it will remove the soil and dirt from the carpet.

  1. Beating Wool Rug:

You can also remove the dirt, dust and soil particles from your wool rug by hanging it outside and beat it. Beat for a few time, and it will remove all the dirt efficiently, but it should be done only one time in a month.

  1. Quickly blot up the Spills:

If there is a spill on your Baluchi rug, don't waste time, promptly blot it up with a paper towel. Never scrub the carpet because it will damage a rug and fibers of it can be matted. As soon as a stain or spill is treated, the chances of permanent damage or less.

Points to Consider while Cleaning Stains:

When you are cleaning stains from your wool rug, you should keep in mind these points:

  • Be quick and clean the stain immediately.
  • Don't rub or scrub the stain, always blot it up.
  • Dry the area of the rug with hair dryer or fan.
  • Use a soft brush to restore the direction of the pile.

Wool rugs are the perfect addition to any home; these do not only protect the floor and give comfort but also accurate to style an interior efficiently. There are a lot of online retailers who are offering wool rugs but always make your choice wisely. Never compromise on quality and choose the perfect Baluchi rug for your home from a reliable retailer.

If you are ready to give a gorgeous appeal to your home, visit ALLRUGO and find the perfect Baluchi rug for your home.