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Enlarge Your Small Living Room with Excellent Techniques that Fool the Eyes

Enlarge Your Small Living Room with Excellent Techniques that Fool the Eyes

Enlarge Your Small Living Room with Excellent Techniques that Fool the Eyes

Do you have a small living room and feel it uncomfortable while getting relaxed there? If you have only one room to get relax, watch TV and entertain, it must be large enough to give you maximum energy and pleasing feel. But don't be a worry, if your living room is a small one. There are some excellent tips and decorative secrets which will help you in arranging the room perfectly that will give an illusion of space.

With these decorative techniques, you can create a stylish and functional room easily. So, get ready to maximize your small space by following these fantastic tips:

Color Scheme for Small Space:

Color impacts a lot in giving a bigger or smaller look to any space, so always choose the color scheme carefully for your small living room. Try to pick the color scheme from light and cool hues which give a bigger feel. Paint all the walls in the same color and add similar color accessories and materials in the room for giving a larger feel. The use of one wall color and flooring will create a flow of eyes and give a pleasing feel.

Idea for Furniture Arrangement:

For the small living room, multipurpose furniture is perfect. These are designed to fit the space and very helpful to accomplish the functional purposes and give a great look. Moreover, you should opt for the sofa set and chairs with armless sections. It will give a feel of airy and open space.

Lighting and Brightness Ideas:

The proper lighting and brightness are the perfect features to give a spacious feel in a small room. Consider adding materials like mirror, metals, and glass that are good to reflect light. It will give the illusion of more space. Big and large windows are also good in a small living room to bring light and energy inside.

Decorating Ideas:

Now comes to the decoration of the small living room. Consider of adding shelving and bookcases along the wall where you can store functional as well as decorative items. Instead of adding the materials that occupy more space, it's good to use vertical space. Long and vertical storage pieces are perfect for a small room. Dress up the chairs and couch with decorative slipcovers complementing the decorative style of your room.

Just because your space is small, you don't need to stick with the limited style of the room. Think openly and create your own stylish, beautiful and pleasing space.

Visit ALLRUGO and get more ideas and techniques for home décor.