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A Complete Guide to Rugs and Carpets History

A Complete Guide to Rugs and Carpets History

A Complete Guide to Rugs and Carpets History

Today, rugs and carpets are one of the most essential parts of any home to enhance the look and comfort of any area. These rugs are the combination of cultural variations, artistic designs, and even depict the religious impressions. In fact, the weaving of rugs and carpets is not a new trend, for many centuries the skilled people were weaving the carpets. The rugs and carpets have a great history and these have been passing from generations to generations.

Below, the brief history of the origin of carpets and rugs is describing:

Early Appearance and Forms of Rugs:

Rugs are one of the early and old inventions of early people in history. In Persian, Oriental and South Western regions, carpets were used widely. The old and pioneer rugs were made from the animal hides and weaved in a stylized way by the skill full hands of the weavers. From these sketchy floorings, the modern rugs have been evolved.

King of Persia Spring Carpet:

Around 550 BC, the Spring Carpet of Choroes was owned by the Persian king. It was hand-knotted carpet and made up of fine silk, wool, gold, silver and precious stones. It was 400 feet long and 100 feet wide and weighed in excess of one tone.

Pazyryk Carpet:

The 5th-century Siberian rugs are the earliest forms of modern day rugs; these are named as Pazyryk carpets. These rugs were discovered in Siberia, at the Pazyryk burial site. These were produced in the 5th century and featured great artistic designs, a rich composition of colors and these were hand-knotted.

Egyptian Carpets:

Egypt is one of the first civilizations that produced hand-woven rugs. These Egyptian inspired rugs featured unique and elegant patterns, geometric designs, and Ghiordes knots.

The Rise of Rug Weaving in Europe:

The rise of pile rug weaving was seen in Europe until 1000 AD. The Europeans were using carpets during special occasions like weddings and community gatherings in the areas of Spain, Germany, and Venice. The designs of these rugs were heavily copied from Persia, Mesopotamia and Egyptians rugs designs. By the 18th and 19th century, European nations were producing their own rugs and carpets.

Today's Carpets and Rugs:

The modern-day carpets and rugs are inspired by the traditional rug designs and styles. The striking designs from the past carpet styles are used in today's carpets and rugs to inspire the people. New techniques and designs have been evolved in today's world of rugs. The main focus of modern rugs is to create stylish and trendy that add aesthetic value to any space.

In fact, various variations and innovations have been introduced in the rugs weaving industry, but still, these are inspired by the ancient rugs and carpets.