Make your home beautiful and add pleasant ambiance to your place with authentic hand-knotted modern rugs. Collection of Modern Rugs & Carpets will upgrade your home with designs, patterns, and colors that will give an amazing look and create a focal point and playful area in your room.  Handmade Modern Rugs & carpets carry fresh contemporary designs tinted with authentic vegetable dyes.  Modern rugs with bold patterns can add sophistication and style to your room and many more modern styles to suit any area. Modern handmade rugs are in various patterns, colors, and shapes. Our large and vast selection of handmade collections makes it easy to find a carpet that’s perfect for your home.

We deal with all kinds of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan handmade rugs and carpets. We have the best selection of hand-woven rugs and carpets at Our contemporary rugs are designed to match every home design or decoration. You can match these modern rugs with existing furnishing, or you can mix it to have an eclectic setting. We have a full range of modern and contemporary wool rugs including kid’s room rugs, kitchen rugs, and hall runners, etc.

ALLRUGO unique collections have been hand-picked to fit it with the latest hot trends and colors in the Interior World.

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